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Encyclopedia of Biodiversity


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3rd Edition 2023

Hrsg. v. Samuel M. Scheiner


Verlag :: Publisher

Elsevier Science

Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, 3rd Edition 2023

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Verlagsinformation :: Publisher's information

Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Third Edition, Six Volume Set provides a coherent, synthetic and comprehensive overview of the field, bringing together contributions from over 400 expert academics and practitioners. The book brings together the dimensions of biodiversity and examines the services it provides and measures to protect it. Major themes include the evolution of biodiversity, systems for classifying and defining biodiversity, ecological patterns and theories of biodiversity, and an assessment of contemporary patterns and trends in biodiversity. The entire work is reviewed and updated, including new chapters on topics which have come to the forefront since the publication of the previous edition.

The science of biodiversity has become the science of our future. It is an interdisciplinary field spanning areas of both physical and life sciences. Our awareness of the loss of biodiversity has brought a long overdue appreciation of the magnitude of this loss and a determination to develop the tools to protect our future. One important feature of the new edition will be updated information on the growing biodiversity crisis.

Key features

  • Offers a one-stop shop with access to a wealth of information currently available only in scattered or non-technical sources
  • Written by renowned academics and practitioners working in different research areas, providing an all-round depiction of the field
  • Guides readers though the topic, and is written to be accessible to a general, educated audience and scientists and practitioners looking for an overview
  • Presents the latest release in a resource used by a wide range of scientists


Academic libraries serving a wide array of life science disciplines: ecology, conservation biology, evolutionary biology, animal and plant sciences, microbiology, Organizations involved in environmental policies, sustainability and conservation, e.g. The Natural Conservancy, the World Wildlife Fund, the Sierra Club

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